Salary Hike Calculator

Calculate your salary increment percentage and analyze the impact of your raise

Salary Hike Calculator

Formatted: ₹10,00,000/year

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I calculate salary hike percentage?

To calculate salary hike percentage, subtract your old salary from new salary, divide by old salary, and multiply by 100. Our calculator automates this process and provides detailed comparisons.

What is a good salary increment percentage in India?

In India, the average salary increment ranges from 8-12% annually. However, this can vary based on industry, performance, and market conditions. High performers may receive 15-20% or more.

How does a salary hike affect my take-home pay?

A salary hike increases your gross salary, but the actual increase in take-home pay depends on tax implications and deductions. Our calculator helps you understand the net impact on your in-hand salary.